Grief House - Portals

Sascha + Laura = LOVE

February 14, 2024 Sascha Demerjian & Laura Green

In this episode (which I accidentally posted unedited the other day, and 14 of you listened to, likely with a feeling of confusion, before Sascha realized what I'd done and fixed it) Sascha and I say I love you to each other, again and again.  It makes me feel squirmy joyful and fed and so so so so lucky.

It's a brave experiment - asking someone you know loves to tell you why they love you. 

It's not for everyone, but if you ever want to try it, come on over the The House for a grief spill. I've never left one without strong love pooled up inside me for each person there. If you're one of the people, and you want to practice with me, I'm game. Come ask me, after, what I love about you. I'll be more than happy to tell you.
