Grief House - Portals

Grief House Q's and A's

Sascha Demerjian & Laura Green

In this episode Sascha and I respond to some frequently asked (and a few unasked) questions about The Grief House.

The sound quality is a little off in this episode. You might ask 
Q: Laura, did you chose to record this sitting cross legged in an armchair with your microphone balanced on a pile of books balanced on your lap? 

And I would have to answer 
A: Yes, I did. At the time I was delighted by how much it made me feel like an otter, but now I see the folly of my ways. 

Perhaps imagining me as a misguided otter will help you feel better about how hard it is to hear and understand me in this episode? If not be reassured that Sascha is crystal clear and very worth listening to, and I have every plan to return to my desk next time around!